DISCLAIMER: All current art is simply a placeholder and will be changed as the project continues.

Waking in a strange forest on a world obviously not yours you quickly discover that you have been isekaied not once, but twice, and to top it off you find that, despite growing up thinking you are human, you are in fact a lamia and have been since the day you were born, in this world.

Now as you begin to explore the world of your birth you will find allies, discover hidden villains, and take on quests beyond anything you could have ever imagined as you slowly uncover the reason you had been sent to Earth by your birth parents and why they died to ensure your survival.


  • Play as a Cis or Trans woman, with full customization over your physical appearance, and your wardrobe.
  • Explore a strange world filled with isekai tropes.
  • As you journey you earn skill points and use them to learn a wide variety of skills ranging from the mundane to the fantastical.
  • Along the way you will meet a variety of others including your adventuring party, a beloved Queen and her court, the boisterous members of the local adventurers guild, and a demon searching for redemption.
  • Romance a number of women including two of your fellow adventurers, the kingdom's Queen, or a demon with a heart of gold. Includes one polyamorous triad*.

Romance Options

Tatiana Luminus Asteria | Human/Angel Hybrid | Queen 
Age: 48
Height: 6’4”
Build: Slender
Eye Color: Glowing Gold
Hair Color: Blonde
Skin Tone: Pink
Notable Features: Large wings growing from her hips
Character Traits: Protective, Loving, Fierce
Tropes: Age gap, Courtly love, Puppet Queen

Maple | Elf | Druid*
Age: 79
Height: 6’1”
Build: Slender
Eye Color: Emerald Green
Hair Color: Brunette
Skin Tone: Tan 
Notable Features: Long narrow ears, ivy tattoos across body
Character Traits: Shy, Intellectual, Green thumb
Tropes: Airhead, Adorkable, Polytriad (Laura)

Laura Argenta | Beastkin | Barbarian*
Age: 23
Height: 5’6”
Build: Muscular
Eye Color: Yellow
Hair Color: Raven black
Skin Tone: Umber
Notable Features: Fangs, Claws, Tail, Canine Ears
Character Traits: Stoic, Quiet, Vicious
Tropes: Feral lover, Monster girl, Polytriad (Maple)

Azarith | Demon | Abyssal Mage
Age: ????
Height: 5’3”
Build: Voluptuous
Eye Color: Glowing Purple
Hair Color: Snow White
Skin Tone: Orchid Purple
Notable Features: Extremely long, slender, spiny tail
Character Traits: Flirty, Dense, Mean
Tropes: Demonic lover, Sadistic, Redemption

Other Characters

Mark Argenta | Human | Knight
Age: 24
Height: 6’4”
Build: Muscular
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Blonde
Skin Tone: Tan
Notable Features: Scar over right eye
Character Traits: Protective, Caring

Daniel Argenta | Human | Rogue
Age: 17
Height: 5’3”
Build: Slender
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brown
Skin Tone: Mocha
Notable Features: Twitchy
Character Traits: Mischievous, Carefree, Always fiddling

Elmina Kayran | Elf | Elven Crown Princess (MCs Aunt)
Age: 126
Height: 6’6”
Build: Slender
Eye Color: Pale Green
Hair Color: Black
Skin Tone: Pale
Notable Features: Long narrow ears, Darker hair color
Character Traits: Haughty, Secretly a softy

Tarros Kayran | Elf | Elven King (MCs Grandfather)
Age: 787
Height: 7’1”
Build: Slender
Eye Color: Glowing Green
Hair Color: Blonde
Skin Tone: Pink
Notable Features: Long narrow ears, Scarred face
Character Traits: Demanding, Hateful

Published 11 days ago
StatusIn development
Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
(9 total ratings)
AuthorHappy Succubus
GenreInteractive Fiction
TagsFantasy, isekai, Lesbian, LGBT, Romance, tropes


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Lamias are genuinely one of my favorite monsters and I adore this story! I cannot wait for more!


This is really good so far! I enjoy it! Cute but tough Lamia is the best! 😈


Agreed, I do love the cute & tough trope!! Add smol to that and it's basically my perfect trifecta.


Yes my Lamia is also smol! Smol but long! 


are you considering having an option of being male on earth and becoming a female when isekaied? I'm a fan of that trope so I was curious if that would be considered an option. Great story so far and I am enjoying it


Nope, no plans for that. Last thing Ariel needs is Tanya in lamia form :D


well I am excited for more of this story, I hope you have fun making it too ^w^

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

I love your story, it has been something I have been talking about for ages. A game where I can play as a "monster" not only that but I get to play as one of my favorite ones.  I can't wait to see where this goes. Also not to mention the writing is so good, especially given that you are writing from a perspective of something that is humaniodish but not human. I know some writers in my personal life who struggle with writing form the same perspective that you just handled perfectly. The details of having a nest instead of a bed and finding chairs uncomfortable and don't even get me started on that fight scene. 

the only weird thing was that my height was only 5"2, but it kept talking about me as if I was a towering creature tall enough  to look over most creatures. I just attributed it to the character standing more on their snake half when standing still and talking but for things like the scene when the party was walking through town it read, to me, like I could see over characters like Daniel

finally I should leave my lamias description that i made for your story. idk why I just want to. I picked unarmed and stealth as my two first skills, then for my characters appearance I chose hip length light red hair, I imagined that to be a kind of coppery ginger hair. With gray eyes, and sapphire scales, I felt it contrasted the light red hair and it would look great. then for the clothes I chose the goth/punk choice.     


It's not that the MC towers over everyone, unless you make them tall, but even a "short" lamia is rather bulky compared to standard humanoid races, which in turn leads to some difficulty maneuvering on occasion. A good example is when the MC is in the wagon on the way to Reabelle and tries to turn around, she is so long it makes doing so difficult.

That said if you can point out where it read like that so I can adjust it I would appreciate it. Smol snakes shouldn't be seeing things from to high.

Your MC sounds adorable!


I'm really enjoying this so far, and I really hope to see it continue


About a quarter of the way through chapter three, so it shouldn't be long.


Out of curiosity, are there plans to update your other games as well? I never played Symbiosis, but I really liked The Final Girl and In My Skin, so I'd love to see those continued at some point too.


Final Girl is unfortunately in a state of limbo, I ran into a bit of a block and have been having trouble finding my way out. In My Skin and Symbiosis are still being worked on though.